
Final Pitching

                  We are now on the 14th week of technopreneurship and we are happy to say that we did the final pitching on this subject and this will be my last blog about it. We are so grateful to those people who help us achieve this kind of product, those people who agreed to interviewed by us, to my group who are opened minded to each others opinion and lastly to our mentor who guide us to make this app possible.                 We introduce you our prototype UI design of the HO-LO real app.               This subject taught us that anything is possible. You just need to be open minded and accept the advice of the mentor if that advice makes your product more promising. Also, you should have enough courage to interview people so that you can achieve what you want for to your product.                 If we have given a ...

Presenting our Final Business Model Canvas (BMC)

           Hello everyone!We are now in my 13th week of the subject Technopreneurship. So, For todays blog we are going to present our BMC to the class.          This will be our final BMC that we presented to the class. As you noticed on our last bmc, we change the Key partners and make it the programmer because they are knowledgeable enough when it comes to making the app, we put the cyber security in the key activities and also we put the social media in the channel.           After the presentation, we as a group meet via google meet to prepare our final pitching next. We are nervous because it is our final and we hope that we will answer all the question confidently. Thats will be my blog for this week thank you all for reading and always be safe :)

Presenting our Business Model Canvas (BMC)

               Hello everyone! Good day! We are now in the 12th week in Technopreneurship :)                For today's blog we are going to present our BMC or Business Model Canvas to the class. At first we are quite nervous because we have no idea to make a BMC but We are thankful that our professor explain it to us and give us a ppt or some example of how should we do our business model canvas. Also, We search in the internet of how to make a business model canvas. I will put below our BMC :)                 Ms. Janine Gallardo, The CEO of dola company is the one who will present the BMC to the class. After the presentation our mentor have a advice to us and there are some changes happened in the key partner, key activities, customer segments, cost structure and revenue streams.                 So, this will be my blog fo...

Interviewing a Property Consultant/broker Part 3 and Preparing our Business Model Canvas BMC

             Good Day! Welcome again to my blog :) We are now in Week 11 of the subject Technopreneuship. In the past few day we are searching again for the possible customer that work as a property consultant or a broker and luckily our CEO have a acquintance that work on the said job.            The name of the person we interview is Mr. Jumil Pelayo he works as a property consultant. Once again we asked him of any problems he encounter while selling a property and he said that in this pandemic they are having a hard time finding a legit buyer. Also, he added that there are people who inquire for them but unfortunately they will back out. Then after he said all of the problems he encountered, we introduced once again our app called HOLO real app. We introduced to him its features,details, the subscription fee and how it is work. Luckily, he said that this app is nice and he will be interested to use this app because it c...

Interviewing a Property Consultant/Broker Part 2

              Hello everyone! Good Day! We are now on my 10th week in Technopreneurship :) For today, we are going to interview again a property consultant/broker because our mentor said that as much as possible we should interview many people so that it will be a big help on our product.                Her name is Mrs. Sunshine Vergara, a mother of 2 months old baby and work as a licensed broker. We contacted her again through video chat and asked what are the most common problem she faced as a broker. She answered that most of the client/buyer she encountered have a hard time paying the down payment or monthly payment and she said that there are some clients withdraw from purchasing because they can't afford to continue the payment. Also, because now she has a 2 months old baby, she find it a little difficult to find a buyer. She's having a hardtime to become a full time mom and searching a buyer. Then again, w...

Interviewing a Property Consultant/Broker

                Good day to each and everyone! Welcome to my 9th week of Technopreneurship :) For todays blog we are going to interview a property consultant. We are lucky that our CEO Ms.Janine Gallardo have a friend that work as a property consultant.                 Through video call, we interview Mr. Ronnel AƱana about what are the problem as a property consultant he faced today. He said that because of covid 19 pandemic he cannot find a buyer easily there are times that some of the buyer are interested but afterwards they cancel it. Also, he stated that some the property seller have no complete documents or property documents, that's why they cannot show there possible buyer a complete documents or details of the property/house. After that, we introduced to him our app called The HO-LO real app. We said to him the details, the features and how it is works. He said that "it is a nice app for those ...

After the Midterm Pitching

       Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog :) we are now in week #8 of the subject Technopreneurship.        On our midterm pitching, sadly, we are not able to answer the questions of the panel *which is sir bronson* that much because we didn't expect the question he gave us. But, after that pitching we The Dola company are making a way to answer those questions. We, brainstorm and meet after that pitching so that we can know what will be our way to answer those question like what is the most problem of a broker or the real state agencys and etc. We are planning and searching some broker or those who works on a real state, so that we can interview them and to make our app/product more effective to those people and broker who wish to use it :)      So, this will be my update of our company :) thank you for reading and Godbless us all!